To the origine of Origem

Camille Rojot


A watercolourist and permaculturist in her spare time, Camille loves the great outdoors, forests and mountains, and her daily life is driven by the quest for balanced, fair and sustainable interactions with living things.

15 years’ experience in the field of CSR and supply chains, especially in the farming and food sectors, has given her solid technical expertise and knowledge in the field.

Always ready to listen and driven, Camille will manage your sourcing project without fail!

Emilie Floc’h


Imaginative, curious and never far from the ocean, Emilie has used her 15 years’ professional experience in the world sustainable development to quench her virtuous thirst for knowledge and expertise in the field.

Paying close attention to sectoral innovations (in all industries!), she likes to enrich and constantly refine her skills.

Her pragmatic and holistic thinking will nurture and mature your reflections. With empathy, Emilie will encourage you to question and challenge yourself!

Why engage with us?

We believe

  • that it is possible to produce while respecting nature and humans
  • in simplicity
  • in the power of waves and wind
  • in meeting and collaborating
  • that we must see to understand
  • in being proud of telling the origin and history of raw materials
  • that we never ask enough questions
  • that one of the solutions is to bring closer together producers and users
  • in field investigation, preferably by being present on foot

Let’s be supply-visionary, together !