To produce better, defining or implementing a wide-scale sustainable sourcing strategy is clearly a step forward. Producing less however, is another topic…
High-yielding cocoa varieties and plantations covering thousands of hectares in Latin America. Many big players from the industry, for whom the current…
Where do we (really) stand in terms of deforestation? Are there positive trends or new hot spots to be watched out? The latest World…
Innovation at the service of our forest, this is the topic of 2024 international Day of Forest. Forest conservation is (finally) becoming…
14 tonnes! That’s the quantity of raw materials that each of us consumes in France every year, or, more precisely, the quantity…
The EU Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive (CSDDD) has just been rejected by the European Council. Despite this, mapping supply chains must…
Are you an actor of the leather industry? If so, the new European Union deforestation-free regulation is impacting you. Here is why,…
We witness more and more brands (in the Luxury and Fashion sectors, but not exclusively) working on the traceability of their products…
In 2018, WWF assessed the sustainability performance of the leading luxury watch and jewellery brands. 5 years later, where do they stand?…
Fully applicable by the end of 2024, the EU regulation on deforestation (EUDR) is raising a number of concerns about the consequences…